Vivian Hanover Ventures

San Luis Obispo County Real Estate

When markets slow, opportunity grows here on the Central Coast! Less competition means no bidding wars, less stress, and room to negotiate. Here are 4 key factors to consider when entering a slower market in San Luis Obispo County. 

1. Having someone with extensive experience and many years of negotiating is key to getting “top dollar”! 

2. You’ll need someone who is familiar with the Real Estate and Commercial Business markets and who can explain the valuation intricacies to prospective Buyers and Sellers. 

3. Understanding the timing of when best to put a property or business for sale and when is the best time to purchase depending on demand and interest rates conditions is critical. 

4. Being able to decide how to best analyze comparables and position the property or business in the marketplace. 

With years of successful negotiations, an understanding of valuation intricacies in Real Estate and Commercial Business markets in San Luis Obispo County, and experience in timing and positioning a property, I can help you get “top dollar”! I represent properties for sale, purchase, AND Commercial Businesses as part of the Commercial Property. Contact me today at (805) 801-5889 for a complimentary consultation.